To the fans and curious of the book 'Tales From the Long Road'; on October 14th at 6pm CST there will be a book signing in Blytheville, AR at the famous 'That Bookstore In Blytheville' (really, that's the name.) There will be a signing by the Author and a reading of an excerpt of this exciting new book. 'That Bookstore In Blytheville' has seen many the lauching of many new authors who went onto great notariety. Two such writers are former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton. A good time will be had by all! To order your advanced copy contact: or go to the official TFLR webpage to order your hardcover or paperback copy. After you've read the book or attended the signing, please feel free to post your comments here.
This is a fanblog for the novel, Tales From the Long Road. All who read this should feel free to comment or not on the book itself, ask questions of the author about the series or discuss a current or introduce a new thread. At no time will ads for products or schemes be published. So far, blogs are free. If you want to advertise, get your own.
The disaster on the Gulf Coast has been a terrible blow to the United States. Hundreds of thousands of our loved ones, friends and neighbors have lost everything including their lives. Just as with the events of September, 11th the true impact upon all of us has yet to be felt. The first wave of ripples being the evacuees now relocating to new cities and communities, the redeployment of National Guard Troops into the affected areas and the impact upon fuel costs.
The pointing fingers and trying to ascertain where the blame should be placed concerning disaster preparedness or the length of timely response at this time is counter-productive. Right now the main focus should be the health and welfare of the current evacuees and the rescue of survivors still clinging to life in the affected zones.
However, we should all be advised: this event and its repercussions are far from surfacing. The Port of New Orleans alone is a major avenue for our country's import and export of goods and materials. With it currently out of commission, the many farmers with crops in the fields awaiting the impending harvest will not have their traditional shipping port available. Those who do not live in proximity of the Mississippi river may find it interesting to know that a minimum of ten states directly utilize the Mississippi or the rivers that feed into it. Ten states are one fifth of the total in the US. All of those goods and materials not to mention the totality of the facilities which support and depend on the movement of those products will now have to divert to other areas.
As we watch government agencies and private citizens endeavor to tackle the colosal task before them, the citizens of the United States should be preparing for a significant change in lifestyle. The economics of 911 affected everyone in the US in some manner or another. The economic impact of Hurricane Katrina will hit us all. The most important thing about this event is that we do not allow ourselves or our leaders to forget! Our standard one to two year attention span and our 'Oh that could never happen here' attitudes are getting us into trouble.
We all need to get it in our heads that 'yes, it could happen here' is a real prospect. The old saying, "Pray for the best, prepare for the worst" would have been an exellent maxim had it been followed in New Orleans. Monies were cut from proposed plans to shore up the levyies and finance disaster plans. It is the same old song and dance politicians have done for years and when things turn around to bite us, they turn to us with that same stupid look on their faces and say, "I didn't believe that would happen!" Well as another apt saying clearly states, "Shit happens" and it is all of our fault for electing officials who refuse to do whatever is necessary to handle issues besides those short term ones that will get them elected.
My question to us all is: "Why is it that thousands of people have to suffer and die before anything is done to fix a problem?" Unfortunately, I can answer that question; "Because no one will belive it is possible until it happens to them."
I wish nothing but good luck to those who have survived the disaster and Godspeed to those still hanging on out in the disaster zone still awaiting rescue.
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