Looks like your book meets the eligiity requirements for the Darrell award given out at Midsouthcon in Memphis, TN. See http://darrellawards.org
Deadline for someone to nominate it is Feb. 1, 2006 ... approaching fast
Welcome to the discussion forum for fans of the series, "Tales From the Long Road." Here you can post comments about the books, where the series is headed, get the lowdown on characters and the world of Uurth! Please be civil when posting comments and remember, you can't conjugate the 'F-word' in a sentence. We hope you enjoy the books and are ready to go on another hair-raising adventure! To order go to: http://dreadedenterprises.com/Long_Road
25 January 2006
A potential award winner?
Mike Kingsley said...
19 January 2006
You don't have to be a 'Blogger' to comment....

Greetings all,
I just got word that some of you are having trouble leaving your comments on the TFLR blog. No worries. When you click on the 'comments' link, you are given three options: Blogger, Other and Annonymous. If you don't have a blog of your own and would like to leave a comment, just click 'Other' or 'Annonymous'. The fields for your website and e-mail in Other are optional. If you don't want to fill them out, don't. In annonymous, there are no fields to fill out. However, if you don't use your name or an e-mail psuedonym, please leave some sort of 'identifyer' for yourself so I won't have to resort to 'hey you'.
09 January 2006
Gripping indeed....
Thanks for the nod Hissy. As far as your getting to read the next Tale From the Long Road, "The Gray Man" should be released in Summer/Fall '06. In answer to your inquiry of when our favorite Bounty Hunter and friends will grace the silver screen... I have to give my now standard answer, "I'm workin' on it!" So standby. One thing I will say, casting will be verrry intereresting....
A Gripping Thriller....
Hissy said,
8/1/06 09:52
06 January 2006
The New Year' Upon Us....

Happy new year! 2005 was the birth of the book series, Tales From the Long Road and though modest it came in with a bang. Sales of the book have been growing and reviews are steadily coming in. The promotion for TFLR will continue with other pending book signings and merchandise becoming available. However, 2006 will begin the countdown for the release of the second book in the series; The Gray Man. Test readers have given glowing reviews of the new book and say this episode in Wolfwalker Adventures blows the first book away! For me that's good and bad news. Good in that I didn't fall short in my follow up to TFLR, bad in that now I've created a monster and I'll have to go farther/faster with the third book! As someone aptly (and bluntly) put it, "you wanted to write, so write mother@#$%&!"
In the meantime, keep an eye out for the DVD release of my first feature length movie, "Appointment with Mr. 'E.'" this coming fall. It's a supernatural thriller about a guy who bitches about evil one time too many and 'Evil' shows up! To see the movie trailer and read more about APWME, go to: www.dreadedenterprises.com/Screen.
That's all for now. Good luck to us all in aught six!
To purchase your copy of 'Tales From the Long Road' go to: www.amazon.com for paperback, www.booksurge.com for hardcover, paperback and e-book editions.
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