Well, March was a good month. "Tales From the Long Road" was recognized with an Honorable Mention at the 2006 Darrel Awards. I won a bet with my publicist (she said I would get 1st runner-up.) I figured as a first-time novelist my humble work would at least 'show' when up against more established and well known writers. TFLR is up for some other awards, so we'll see what those verdicts will be. I just want to thank the Darrell Awards Jury and congratulate the winner as well as my fellow finalists. However, be advised; "The Gray Man" is finished and scheduled for release this summer. I'll be back next year so you better bring your 'A-Game' 'cause I'm bringing mine....
Oh, and FYI: I already have plans secured for producing the Audio Book version of TFLR. So thanks, but no thanks to all of you who have been inquiring about producing an AB for me. Save yourselves some time and look on www.dreadedenterprises.com which happens to be my production company. Believe me, most of the services you eager beavers are trying to pitch we already have covered.
Last but not least, as I mentioned, 'The Gray Man' cover will be posted both here and on the Coming Attractions page at dreadedenterprises.com this weekend. So keep an eye out, our boy Wolfwalker is back and ready to 'put foot to ass' for the highest bidder!