Thanks ice627,
It's nice to read that even tough guys can catch a shiver or two from my humble tale. As for your desire to 'put foot to ass' in the case of one Baron Hundredfoot, get in line. If you check the map, I think the line starts far past the Manem River in the far North and ends at the gates of South City. Don't forget to bring a sleeping bag! Thanks for the vote of confidence on who is a suitable reader for Tales From the Long Road. I personally recommend the book for readers 17 years of age and older. It was not written nor intended for young readers. I appreciate your praise of my work (outstanding you called it.) I figure it is a decent first outing and you should look forward to the next adventure of Wolfwalker, "The Gray Man." All the test readers said it's better than the first book! We'll see come summer/fall 2006 when it's released. As far as the movies go, my standard answer is: "I'm working on it! Please standby...."
Thanks to all of you who comment either through this blog, or at the book signings or write reviews on the Amazon.com and BookSurge websites. Good, Bad, or Indifferent, your comments will only help me to write better stories. I would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and remember, the Holidays are just around the corner so if you need a last minute gift....
You can purchase the softcover edition at: amazon.com
You can purchase the soft, hard and e-book editions at: booksurge.com. Just search 'Tales From the Long Road' or 'H. Wolfgang Porter'.
ice627 said:
Yo', I just finished the book, I really enjoyed it. The last 7 chapters things really started to pick up and the action started to roll. I wish I could have kicked Baron Hundredfoot's ass myself though! I think that B' Hundredfoot is a hustler. I think he is going to be some kind of sinister individual in the next book, sneaky guy! I don't want to say the book was scary because of the tough guy that I am, so I'll just say I turned on the big light to finish reading instead of just the little desk lamp! I think that it would be a good read for teens, I don't think that any younger ages would follow too well. I can't wait to see waht goes down in "The Gray Man." Keep up the outstanding work. Dawg, you are the man. I guess you're going to have to turn these into movies one day!
It's been a few weeks since the October 14th event at 'That Bookstore In Blytheville', but the high is still there. We had a great turnout and 'Tales From the Long Road' sold out within 45 minutes! I couldn't have been more pleased. Thanks to those of you who made the signing. We had a great time, and after the reading I got more questions about when is the book going to the big screen. Right now, all I can say is 'I'm workin' on it!' For those of you who have read TFLR and written reviews on Amazon.com and the Booksurge.com sites; thanks and keep them coming! Special thanks to my fans in the USA (that's United States Army to you civilians) holding the line on the 'rockpile' and in 'sandcity'. Good luck to you all and the standard order is to SIOP (stay in one piece) and CHA (come home alive!)
Good news for those of you who have asked when the next tale of the Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker is due out. The latest story (title: THE GRAY MAN) is finished and should be out in late summer, early fall 2006. The test readers say this one is better than the first, so standby....
As always, to those of you who have wandered in, take a look at the book by going to : www.dreadedenterprises.com/Long_Road.