ice627 said:
Yo', I just finished the book, I really enjoyed it. The last 7 chapters things really started to pick up and the action started to roll. I wish I could have kicked Baron Hundredfoot's ass myself though! I think that B' Hundredfoot is a hustler. I think he is going to be some kind of sinister individual in the next book, sneaky guy! I don't want to say the book was scary because of the tough guy that I am, so I'll just say I turned on the big light to finish reading instead of just the little desk lamp! I think that it would be a good read for teens, I don't think that any younger ages would follow too well. I can't wait to see waht goes down in "The Gray Man." Keep up the outstanding work. Dawg, you are the man. I guess you're going to have to turn these into movies one day!
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