Tales From The Long Road
Welcome to the discussion forum for fans of the series, "Tales From the Long Road." Here you can post comments about the books, where the series is headed, get the lowdown on characters and the world of Uurth! Please be civil when posting comments and remember, you can't conjugate the 'F-word' in a sentence. We hope you enjoy the books and are ready to go on another hair-raising adventure! To order go to: http://dreadedenterprises.com/Long_Road
25 September 2015
Signing Event at 'That Bookstore in Blytheville'....
thatbookstoreinblytheville.com or direct by calling (870) 763-3333. See you there!
14 November 2013
The Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker's first solo adventure!
Somewhere far beyond mortal existence a Dark God forges an unspeakable entity. With no concern for good or evil, the Dark God casts his creation from the void and into the material! Now the multiverse will howl with despair!
The Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker is contracted to find a wealthy Northern Province Lumber Baron's son after he elopes with the niece of a powerful South City Bishop. When the pair of lovers and the merchant caravan they traveled with turns up missing, Wolfwalker tracks them to a notorious bandit infested section of forest near the tri-province border! Wolfwalker will learn all too soon whether the lovers and their travel companion's path leads into the clutches of mere bandits or something far, far worse....
You can currently read the Wolfwalker tale and Science-Fiction Writer Ronald T. Jones' dark Space Opera in the Dark God's Gift volume I online at Blacksciencefictionsociety.com
09 November 2013
Book of Dragon's Teeth now available at Amazon.com!
The Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker will have to call upon old and new allies in order to find the Judge's Journal and combat this new threat. But even with 'back-up' can the most notorious Bounty Hunter bring down an enemy capable of destroying both Riverus and South City? Are there clues within the Journal to uncover this new threat? Can Wolfwalker find the book before the Headhunter Appresian or the 'Spirit of Pursuit' The Gray Man? All will be revealed in the next Tales from the Long Road: BOOK OF DRAGON'S TEETH!
Tales from the Long Road: Book of Dragon's Teeth @ Amazon.com
04 July 2013
At long last... 'Book of Dragon's Teeth' is done!
I finished the first draft in 2010 despite everything happening (most of it bad!) I finally got the edits done last year and have been fighting tooth and nail to get the cover art done. After a (very) short break, it's off to the publisher and let the 'promotional games' begin!
If all that weren't enough (obviously it isn't), I've got several projects ongoing including one which is a collaborative work with some authors well known (and loved) here at the BSFS! So while I'm getting the new season of 'The Priestess' ready to go this month, I'll be working on a new television extreme sports show and prepping to make another movie (way overdue for that!) In the meantime, ETP (estimated time of publishing) for 'Book of Dragon's Teeth' is late July or early August. For you fans of TFLR, you have my sincerest apologies for the long wait!
18 January 2011

Sorry about the 'Radio Silence', but I've been busy writing 'A Book of Dragon's Teeth' the loooong awaited sequel to 'The Gray Man'. Well I can say the hard part is over and the initial draft was completed in December 2010! Now it's in the hands of my Test Readers and I'm getting ready to 'turn 'n burn' on the cover and additional artwork that will be included. So for those of you who've patiently waited all this time, the wait is almost over! Fall 2011 is the projected time of release. However, I'll be putting up a preview of the cover and a sample within the next couple of months. So hold on just a little bit longer!
Thanks for all your enthusiasm for the World of Uurth and get ready because Wolfwalker, Cloud Dancer and the Gray Man will be back!
13 June 2010
The Sleeper Awakens!

Well it has been nearly a four-year slumber since my last post! Suffice it to say that a lot of personal trials and successes have happened during that time. During that time I was working pretty hard in my other 'life' as a Producer-Director and made some movies and been developing a TV series. But always in the back of the old 'noggin' was the World of Uurth and your fav' Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker!
I'm happy to announce that the looooong overdue sequel to 'THE GRAY MAN' is nearly complete and starin' down the barrel of a late 2010 early 2011 release date. For you fans I'll say that the unseen forces working to shatter South City's 700 years of peace will show their hand in a big way! Yet with Wolfwalker and the Gray Man hot on their trail there still may be a chance to stop them before they unleash only 'the God's know what' upon the unsuspecting populace!
Sorry to have kept you all waiting, but it will definitely have been worth it. I'll keep you posted. May your Tales from the Long Road be filled with adventure!
26 February 2007
Once more in the crosshairs....

07 January 2007
Happy New Year!

Well, aught-six is dead and gone. It was a hell of a year though! After some delays, the latest 'Tale from the Long Road' THE GRAY MAN was released on December 4th, 2006. My 'old' fans from TFLR eagerly snatched up the new book and have been giving it rave reviews. Now, the big question is; when is Book 3 coming out? Uhy! Let the presses cool on the first one for a minute! Actually, I am near to completing the next 'Tale' and I will put it out in late '07 or early '08.
In the meantime, we are building up a nice line of intial TFLR merchandise featuring 'His Grayness'. Sporty caps and cool T-shirts are on tap now, with other items pending.
It's great finally getting TGM out to readers. There's always the 'curse' hanging over a second project; did he shoot his wad with the first one? Not no, but hell no! TGM was loads of fun to write and more fun to read! But hey, no sense me tooting the horn about it. Read it and see for yourself! For more info go to: www.dreadedenterprises.com/Gray_Man. You can pick up your hard or softcover copy at Amazon.com. Just keyword: The Gray Man.
Beware the Gray Man!
13 November 2006
The Gray Man Cometh....

It's been a busy last couple of months, but the next 'Tale from the Long Road' is ready! "The Gray Man" is slated for release on 1 December 2006. Fans of the first book TFLR can get their hard or softcover copies online at Amazon.com. I am really looking forward to getting this next adventure of the 'Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker' into the hands of readers. All the test readers and reviewers agree, this story has more intrigue, sex and down and dirty action than ever! Test readers are already asking about the next book in the series and TGM hasn't been released yet! The real test will be what you the fans and curious will have to say. However, I think you better wear your mouthpiece and strap in tight. You're in for one 'hell of a ride!'
15 August 2006
Coming Soon!

Well kids, the next tale from the long road: THE GRAY MAN is on schedule for release in late September '06. For all of you who thought TFLR was 'kickass', you better put a cast iron skillet in your britches 'cause THE GRAY MAN IS COMING! Our boy Wolfwalker is headed deep into South City's Underworld to find a public official's murderer. Just when he thought it was time to grab some R&R during the upcoming Holydays, WW must face smugglers, slavers and worse to get to the truth! Meantime, those wonderful folks on The Council have big fish to fry and they plan on using our boy as bait! Test readers have given THE GRAY MAN a huge 'thumbs up' for it's edgy, sexy and 'straight whupass' approach to the fantasy / adventure genre. Also, Tales From the Long Road merchandise is in the works for '07, so keep an eye out. For those who haven't read Tales From the Long Road go to: www.dreadedenterprises.com/Long_Road to get your hard or softcover copy. For autographed copies, contact: info@dreadedenterprises.com.
21 June 2006

Now that TFLR's first year in existence is complete, I am now focusing on the next tale; The Gray Man. TGM will take you the reader into the streets, homes and lives of the people of South City. It is the time of the 'Holydays Festival' and Elves and Men will celebrate the 700th anniversary of peace and alliance between the two races. Of course our favorite Bounty Hunter Wolfwalker will find little time to celebrate as the festival is threatened by the murder of a high-ranking official. If that weren't bad enough, Wolfwalker must contend with rogue Assahssiin, Smugglers and the worst of South City's Underworld to get to the bottom of this mystery. That is if the legendary 'Spirit of Pursuit' The Gray Man doesn't get there first!

Just so you know, fans of my film & tv work should keep an eye out for my latest project 'Declaration'. Info will be posted at www.dreadedenterprises.com/Screen in a week or two. Also, the countdown 'til the DVD release of the feature film, 'Appointment with Mr. 'E.' continues. AWME has gotten rave audience reviews and is one heck of a movie too! Expected release is November '06. You can see the AWME movie trailer at: www.dreadedenterprises.com/Screen.
That's the long and short of things. Thanks for everything. It's been a great year!
02 April 2006

31 March 2006
Marches On....

Well, March was a good month. "Tales From the Long Road" was recognized with an Honorable Mention at the 2006 Darrel Awards. I won a bet with my publicist (she said I would get 1st runner-up.) I figured as a first-time novelist my humble work would at least 'show' when up against more established and well known writers. TFLR is up for some other awards, so we'll see what those verdicts will be. I just want to thank the Darrell Awards Jury and congratulate the winner as well as my fellow finalists. However, be advised; "The Gray Man" is finished and scheduled for release this summer. I'll be back next year so you better bring your 'A-Game' 'cause I'm bringing mine....
Oh, and FYI: I already have plans secured for producing the Audio Book version of TFLR. So thanks, but no thanks to all of you who have been inquiring about producing an AB for me. Save yourselves some time and look on www.dreadedenterprises.com which happens to be my production company. Believe me, most of the services you eager beavers are trying to pitch we already have covered.
Last but not least, as I mentioned, 'The Gray Man' cover will be posted both here and on the Coming Attractions page at dreadedenterprises.com this weekend. So keep an eye out, our boy Wolfwalker is back and ready to 'put foot to ass' for the highest bidder!
18 February 2006
Praise from up north....

Got a POTB (that's pat on the back) from across the border on ye old Blogg. Thanks. I'd say it in French but it's been so long since I've spoken it instead of 'Thanks for the praise,' it might sound like, 'Thanks for blowing my shoe.' Not wanting to start an international incident (as if we don't have enough) I'll stick to 'Merican' for the time being. B.L. if you get a chance to read the book, hit me with your thoughts. And to anyone else reading, you can get your copy of 'Tales From the Long Road' via Booksurge.com and Amazon.com as well as Amazon's online affliate book dealers. For more info about the book go to: www.dreadedenterprises.com/Long_Road
Praise from abroad....
Benoit Lapierre said:
your blog is very interesting
keep on going , you do great job.
16/2/06 19:45
16 February 2006
Kick Ass huh....

So far the general consensus has been TFLR is meeting my expectations. I'm glad to read that the book is being received enthusiastically and that readers are reacting to the story the same way I did. Well, thanks to 'N' and everyone else who wrote reviews on Amazon and Booksurge's websites. So far, everyone who has read the book says it needs to be made into a movie. Right now all I can say is 'I'm with you on that and I'm workin' on it!'
In the meantime, I just wanted to announce that TFLR has been nominated for a 'Darrell Award' for best Science Fiction/Fantasy Adventure novel in 2006. When I got word of the nomination (which my people kept hidden but forgot I have to read the incoming e-mails) I thought that was cool. Winning would be even cooler, but the knowing of my work not existing in a vacuum is what really pleases me. My crew and I are keeping our fingers crossed.
Last, for those of you waiting for the next 'installment' of TFLR I am pleased to say that 'The Gray Man' is done and pending final artwork, is slated for release in the Fall of '06. I can safely promise that our boy Wolfwalker will have to go farther, faster and hit harder to complete his next assignment! However, he's got serious competition because the 'Spirit of Pursuit' better known as The Gray Man is working to beat him to the punch! My test readers, editors and people I have submitted previews to all say The Gray Man is better than TFLR! We'll all see come fall! I'll keep you all posted. Thanks and keep reading!
Kick Ass Book!
N. Bihsnez said:
Dude tales from the long road kicked ass! I borrowed my friends copy to read on the plane and once I started reading it I couldn't put it down! Dude the whole time I'm reading it I'm there! I can see and hear everything that's going on. The fight scenes were *%$@%! brutal! The whole time I'm thinking how the hell is this Wolf Walker going to pull the ambassador out of this mess? The monsters in the Demon's Spine were no joke! There was even some pretty hot sex in it too! Sure would have liked to see some of that in Lord Of The Rings! I think H. Wolfgng Porter has a hit and I'm waiting for the next book. I will actually buy that one! I agree with the other reviewer thay need to make a movie out of this!
25 January 2006
A potential award winner?
Looks like your book meets the eligiity requirements for the Darrell award given out at Midsouthcon in Memphis, TN. See http://darrellawards.org
Deadline for someone to nominate it is Feb. 1, 2006 ... approaching fast
25/1/06 20:27
19 January 2006
You don't have to be a 'Blogger' to comment....

Greetings all,
I just got word that some of you are having trouble leaving your comments on the TFLR blog. No worries. When you click on the 'comments' link, you are given three options: Blogger, Other and Annonymous. If you don't have a blog of your own and would like to leave a comment, just click 'Other' or 'Annonymous'. The fields for your website and e-mail in Other are optional. If you don't want to fill them out, don't. In annonymous, there are no fields to fill out. However, if you don't use your name or an e-mail psuedonym, please leave some sort of 'identifyer' for yourself so I won't have to resort to 'hey you'.
09 January 2006
Gripping indeed....
A Gripping Thriller....
Hissy said,
8/1/06 09:52
06 January 2006
The New Year' Upon Us....

Happy new year! 2005 was the birth of the book series, Tales From the Long Road and though modest it came in with a bang. Sales of the book have been growing and reviews are steadily coming in. The promotion for TFLR will continue with other pending book signings and merchandise becoming available. However, 2006 will begin the countdown for the release of the second book in the series; The Gray Man. Test readers have given glowing reviews of the new book and say this episode in Wolfwalker Adventures blows the first book away! For me that's good and bad news. Good in that I didn't fall short in my follow up to TFLR, bad in that now I've created a monster and I'll have to go farther/faster with the third book! As someone aptly (and bluntly) put it, "you wanted to write, so write mother@#$%&!"
In the meantime, keep an eye out for the DVD release of my first feature length movie, "Appointment with Mr. 'E.'" this coming fall. It's a supernatural thriller about a guy who bitches about evil one time too many and 'Evil' shows up! To see the movie trailer and read more about APWME, go to: www.dreadedenterprises.com/Screen.
That's all for now. Good luck to us all in aught six!
To purchase your copy of 'Tales From the Long Road' go to: www.amazon.com for paperback, www.booksurge.com for hardcover, paperback and e-book editions.
26 December 2005
One Hell of a Year....

Now that Christmas is over, New Year's stands waiting its turn. 2005 was one hell of a year. War, natural disaster and the political fallout connected made the imaginary world created in my book TFLR seem to be a safe place to go.
This year as a writer, I passed a number of milestone by getting my book published, taking the first steps toward a national advertising campaign, and finishing the next work in the series. When I was doing my research on what would be needed to publish my first work, I read someone's comment that being a writer was not for the faint of heart. Whoever wrote that was on target.
Since I've published, I've run into so much resistance. Not from people who have read my work, but those who have not. You'd be surprised how many folks get bent out of shape when they find out you not only wrote a novel but actually published it! I don't brag about it because I'm involved with the whole process from creation of the written, visual and business aspects. So to me, it is 'just a job'. If I had a dollar for each of the 'how dare you write a book' looks on people's faces when I am introduced as an author, I wouldn't need to write books! It amazes me how people get pissed when they perceive you've stepped away from the herd. I also want a dollar for each 'well you know I'm writing a book too...' stories I hear now.
Suddenly, I get asked, "How were you able to do it?" I hate to tell, but there's no secret formula or whizbang method that you can pull from a bottle or read in a 'how to' book. It is exactly like Nike says in their ads: "Just do it." In truth, it took me ten years to write TFLR mainly because I was just bullshitting around. Getting it done wasn't a priority for me. In ten years I had twelve chapters done in the initial draft. Last summer in 2004 I just decided I was going to finish it no matter how long it took. Two months after I started, I submitted a final draft for copyright and on 11 May 2005 it was published. No big mystery, I just did it.
Funny thing, writing books is sort of like 'killing' in that after you get past the first one, they start getting easier. The next tale from the long road is titled: "The Gray Man." It was in february of 2005 and no projects were coming in for my production company and I had a ton of free time. So nearly every day for 5 1/2 months I managed to write something and finished the first draft (including revisions) in August. Pending artwork, TGM will be ready for release in the summer or fall of 2006. I'm already prepping my notes for the third book. Bottom line, if you want to write a book, write the damn thing.
Lastly, thanks to all the people who weren't 'hating' and were forthcoming with their praise and criticism. With feedback the stories I write will only get better. The test readers for the latest book have said that The Gray Man is more exciting than the first! We'll see what the rest of humanity has to say when the book is released. So to all of you fans of the books, persons who wandered in and people who know me personally, best of luck to us all in the coming year! To all my boy's and girls holding the line on the 'rockpile' or in the 'sandbox', the standing order is 'do your job and come home alive.'
Happy New Year!
23 November 2005
So, You Had To Keep The Light On....

Thanks ice627,
It's nice to read that even tough guys can catch a shiver or two from my humble tale. As for your desire to 'put foot to ass' in the case of one Baron Hundredfoot, get in line. If you check the map, I think the line starts far past the Manem River in the far North and ends at the gates of South City. Don't forget to bring a sleeping bag! Thanks for the vote of confidence on who is a suitable reader for Tales From the Long Road. I personally recommend the book for readers 17 years of age and older. It was not written nor intended for young readers. I appreciate your praise of my work (outstanding you called it.) I figure it is a decent first outing and you should look forward to the next adventure of Wolfwalker, "The Gray Man." All the test readers said it's better than the first book! We'll see come summer/fall 2006 when it's released. As far as the movies go, my standard answer is: "I'm working on it! Please standby...."
Thanks to all of you who comment either through this blog, or at the book signings or write reviews on the Amazon.com and BookSurge websites. Good, Bad, or Indifferent, your comments will only help me to write better stories. I would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and remember, the Holidays are just around the corner so if you need a last minute gift....
You can purchase the softcover edition at: amazon.com
You can purchase the soft, hard and e-book editions at: booksurge.com. Just search 'Tales From the Long Road' or 'H. Wolfgang Porter'.
I Don't Want to Say 'Scary'....

ice627 said:
Yo', I just finished the book, I really enjoyed it. The last 7 chapters things really started to pick up and the action started to roll. I wish I could have kicked Baron Hundredfoot's ass myself though! I think that B' Hundredfoot is a hustler. I think he is going to be some kind of sinister individual in the next book, sneaky guy! I don't want to say the book was scary because of the tough guy that I am, so I'll just say I turned on the big light to finish reading instead of just the little desk lamp! I think that it would be a good read for teens, I don't think that any younger ages would follow too well. I can't wait to see waht goes down in "The Gray Man." Keep up the outstanding work. Dawg, you are the man. I guess you're going to have to turn these into movies one day!